Despite the fact that it may have spawned the wonder that is AJAX Outlook Web Access (OWA) has a lot to answer for. Fist of all it really is tightly bound to Microsoft Internet Explorer. IE is something that I avoid whenever possible: Firefox has been my browser of choice for a while now.
Unfortunately Microsoft prevent uses of non-IE web browsers from using the 'Premium' version of OWA - forcing them to use 'Basic'. I have to use OWA at home as the administrators of our Exchange server refuse to allow me to have my e-mail automatically forwarded to GMail. I also refuse to have two browser windows open when one would suffice. Thankfully by using the IEtab extension for Firefox it is possible, IEtab allows you to use the (rather poor) IE rendering engine in specified Firefox tabs.
Install it, restart Firefox and head to your OWA login page. Find the little Firefox logo on your status bar, and right click with the mouse. Click the 'Add' button to force Firefox to use the IE rendering engine for your OWA. Refresh your OWA login page and voila.
I really wish Microsoft would grow up and realise that not everybody wants to use IE!