Tuesday 26 June 2007

Premature Report

Over the last year or so I have been trying to acquire a number of back issues of entomological and natural history journals, magazines and newsletters. This is primarily because I find these topics fascinating, and I like reading about them. Every now and then there is something amusing amongst all of the interesting (but more sober) material. The following is taken from Antenna 23(3):

"I read with interest in the January Antenna that I was dead. It was gratifying to see the Society regretted this state of affairs as, indeed, I would have myself. Some of my students from time to time have thought me dead and not been told. However, I'm happy to say that your report is premature."

At least Bob James saw the funny side!

Monday 25 June 2007

Free Papers

Everyday in London at the moment when I make my twice daily walk from Battersea to the Natural History Museum (or vice versa) I am offered a vast number of bits of paper. Of these the free newspapers are of more interest than the get rich quick schemes, dodgy phone cards or astrological forecasts.

Alongside all of the junk about fashion and complete nonsense there is often some stuff worth reading, or at least discussing. Recently one of the papers asked its readers what they thought about public breast feeding. Most people seemed to think this is acceptable, which is probably a good thing. It's probably better for everyone concerned than doing it in the toilet.

Alongside this is "To City Boy: I would have thought you would feel like a w****r - cream jacket and purple cords. Not even a self respecting homosexual would wear such things. Get a grip. Jenny". Clearly Jenny is an intellectual might to be reckoned with? I think not. Also on the same page is Henry Carroll who seems to be addicted to the social networking site facebook. Perhaps we should spend money sending him to rehab? Or perhaps he is the one who should get a grip?

Edward Baker's Facebook profile

Sunday 24 June 2007

Roadkill Art

Adam Morrigan seems to have made a bit of a name for himself in the media recently, by making artwork out of roadkill.

While I'm against things going to waste, I don't think I'd particularly want one on my wall! But by having a 'roadkill hotline' at least he's doing is part to 'Keep Britain Tidy!'

Fresh meat doesn't go to waste either, as Adam sometimes has it for dinner. Needless to say his three children are vegetarian.

Saturday 9 June 2007

Where I've Been

First of all - I have not disappeared off of the face of the Earth! Since coming back from Costa Rica I have been finishing my degree, writing a few articles for various publications about my trip, and editing the Phasmid Study Group newsletter - to name but a few.

In the last few weeks I have also been kidnapped by the Entomology Department at the Natural History Museum (not literally kidnapped of course - I don't want any vigilantes coming to save me). Consequently I have had very little time to write on here, but I should be back now for a while, so I guess normal service has resumed!

Here are a few photos from my trip, as they don't really fit into any of the other blogs.

There are some photographs of vrious invertebrates seen in Costa Rica here.

