Sunday 2 January 2011

Quake 2 on Ubuntu

In case, like I just did, you wake up and think about playing one of 1997's best games on your Linux machine then here you go (you will need the original Quake2 CD).

Download and install the quake2-data package from any of these mirrors: quake2-data deb.

You will then need to insert the CD, and run the following command at the console:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure quake2-data

You will need to insert the CD mount point, on Ubuntu this is probably /media/Quake2

If you opt to install the point release update then you will also have to specify where to download the file to. /home will work fine.

Once this is done you will need to download a Linux compatible Quake2 engine - I used yamagi (download the yamagi quake2 deb).

Then just run yamagiq2 from the terminal, and enjoy.

