Friday 7 September 2012

Embedded terminal in gedit (Ubuntu 12.04)

To get an embedded terminal in gedit eneter the following into a Terminal window:

sudo apt-get install gedit-plugins

Open gedit then go:

Edit > Preferences > Plugins
enable 'Embedded Terminal'

To view the embedded Terminal:
View > Bottom Panel (or Ctrl + F9)

The present default configuration of the embedded Terminal on Ubuntu 12.04 uses white text on a white background, which is pretty ridiculous. You can either adjust the font colour of your default Terminal or use the following workaround:

Work around to get gEdit embedded Terminal usable on Ubuntu

Run the following from the Terminal:
sudo apt-get install dconf-tools

In the Configuration Editor that appears navigate to the required plugin:

org > gnome > gedit > plugins > terminal

uncheck 'use-theme-colors' and then restart gEdit.

Added screenshot on recommendation of Ross:

