Thursday 22 November 2012

ViBRANT Citizen Science Workshop (24-25 January 2013)

Organised by Ed Baker (me) & Sarah Faulwetter to set a framework for future development of the Scratchpads BioBlitz profile (demo site) and the HCMR's ViBRANT deliverable of a Citizen Science module for Drupal.

Workshop Day 1: What can we learn from successful citizen science projects?

Morning (workshop participants & invited NHM staff)

Presentations from successful citizen science projects (background to the project and what has made them successful)

Afternoon (workshop participants)

Round table discussion on how ViBRANT and Scratchpads can participate in citizen science with emphasis on:
  • What would be useful for us to do and how we might be able to engage with existing projects?
  • What user-groups exist, how are they served by existing projects, and who can Scratchpads/ViBRANT target?
  • What are the outcomes of these projects (fun/educational awareness/scientific data)?
  • What quality of data can be collected?
  • How can data gathered be reused (Biodiversity Data Journal/GBIF/EoL)?

Workshop Day 2: Creating a citizen science plan for Scratchpads & ViBRANT

ViBRANT attendees

  • Development plan for HCMR’s citizen science module and can we incorporate it into the BioBlitz profile
  • Can we incorporate citizen science tools into Scratchpads in general (e.g. crowdsourcing image transcription).

